2022 Quadrennial GC of A: 

The 2022 quadrennial GC of A was held in Ottawa the week of June 6th and was a great success.

These meetings are a requirement within the TCRC bylaws, and their purpose is multi faceted; the Local Chairs from each Division table and discuss their divisional concerns, make necessary modifications and updates to existing GC of A bylaws, discuss and approve financial directives as they pertain to the committee, and to vote for our GC of A executive committee and alternates, whom will hold positions for the next four-year period.

In addition, a banquet was held honoring a long service Brother who has dedicated the majority of his railway career, and life for that matter, to serving our membership. The honored Brother Guy Quesnel for decades of service to our Union.

In conclusion, Your new GCA Executive, looks forward to representing your interests for the next four years. We have a dedicated work ethic that puts the members first, a solid team that is well respected by the Carriers, and a working relationship which is based on mutual respect for each other and the membership.

GCA Bylaws:
2017 GCA Bylaws
GCA Minutes:
2013 GCA Minutes
      GC Quarterly Report
2018 Q1 Report
2017 Q4 Report