General Chair

Mark Kernaghan

Mark (Kernal) hired on in 1987.  In 2010 he was elected Vice-Local Chair for Belleville.

Since then, he has taken on various roles to expand his experience and to support his local members as an EFAP representative since 2011 and Health and Safety Representative since 2016. Mark became Belleville’s Local Chair in January 2017 and Central Region’s Vice General Chair in September 2017. Mark is the current General Chair for the TCRC CN Central Region.

Mark’s interests include travel and hockey. He spends his down time coaching his kids and driving his kids everywhere and anywhere they want to go.

Senior Vice General Chair

Cameron J Wright

Cameron grew up in Thunder Bay, ON and later moved to Capreol, ON in 1980. From age 16 he worked for CN as an extra gang laborer on rail installation gangs between Armstrong and Toronto during summers ’85, ’86, ’87.

Cameron graduated from grade 13 near the end of 1987, and a week later hired on as a brakeman in Hornepayne at only 19 years old. Transferring to Capreol in 1990, he qualified as a Conductor that same year. Cam was accepted for Locomotive Engineer training in Gimli Manitoba in April 1990 and qualified as locomotive engineer in 1991.

He was voted for and accepted positions as Toronto North Vice Local Chair BLE in 2003; Toronto North Local Chair TCRC in 2005; and Junior Vice General Chair in June 2013.  Cameron was elected to the role of Senior Vice General Chair TCRC Central Region in Sept 2017.

Junior Vice General Chair

Derek Haynes

General Secretary Treasurer

Andrew M.P. Weir

Andy hired on CN Railway in 1988 working out of Belleville, Ontario subsequently moving to Sarnia.

In 1993 Andy went to Gimli for Locomotive Engineer Training.

In 1994, Andy was elected as the Vice CTY Road Local Chair in Sarnia until the next election whereby he became the CTY Road Local Chair and remained such until 2018. In 2018 he was elected as the LE Local Chair until the end of 2021. During the same time period, Andy held the position of Legislative Representative in Sarnia, as well as a member of the Joint Health and Safety Committee (1997-2022). Andy has also held the position of Secretary for the Ontario Provincial Legislative Board, later becoming the General Secretary Treasurer for the CN CTY Central Region. After one term in that position he went on to be the Vice General Chairperson for the CN CTY Central Region for one term. In 2019 Andy was elected as the Alternate GST of this GC of A. With Richard Ellison’s retirement effective December 31st 2024, Andy has moved into the General Secretary Treasurer position.

Vice General Chair ONTC

Dan Beaulne