Divison 904 Hornepayne events:
Family Day 2024
TCRC Division 904 members in Hornepayne were working to help another great organization over the Family Day weekend as the community got together for a great day at the Cedar Point Casper and Jamie Vecchio Fish Derby hosted by KidSport Hornepayne. Over 100 anglers attended the third Casper and Jamie Fish Derby which is considerable for a community of only 1000 people! A total of 19 fish were weighed in during the 6 hour derby with the biggest fish being an 11 ½ pound Northern Pike and a 4 ½ pound Pickerel. Family and Friends warmed up by the campfire which was tended to by the Hornepayne Fire Department. Many of the Fire Department volunteers are also members of TCRC 904. Although it was cold, that didn’t stop anglers from fishing and having fun. The focus of this derby is to get family and friends outdoors together to enjoy the benefits of healthy living for the mind and body and to showcase what an amazing experience fishing can be. KidSport Hornepayne would like to thank all the anglers who came out to support the amazing event. A huge thank you to Kerry and Kathy form G&L Variety for their donation of minnows & use of their trailer. Our thanks also to Canadian Tire in Hearst for the donation toward the prizes, the Township of Hornepayne for cleaning the parking area. A huge thank you also goes out to Hornepayne Fire Department Fire Chief Miles Wallingford and the fire fighters for the making of the family and friends’ campfire and hosting the children in attendance to a viewing of the inside of the fire rescue truck.
We are so grateful for the help of TCRC brothers who assisted with the logistics such as drilling holes, setting up and tearing down the event, they include; Mike O’Keefe, Pascal Doiron, Barry Gillies, Paul Stewart, Miles Wallingford (also Fire Chief), Jacob Callaghan (also a firefighter), Yvon Goulet (also a firefighter) and Gabriel Mcleod (also a firefighter) who also helped out with the weigh in of fish. KidSport Hornepayne volunteers; Julie Roy Ward, Julia Ward, and Darleen Ward. Thanks to the Ontario Family Fishing Events for the door prizes. Thank you to Julie Roy Ward and Fire Chief Miles for drawing the coupons for the Ontario Family fishing Events. Thank you to Gina Vecchio Kistemaker for hosting the end of the derby awarding of the prizes. What an awesome event with great fishing, great teamwork by all the volunteers and lots of fun with family and friends. Our work for the community was made so much easier with the help of the many TCRC who came out to help.
For more information click on the link: https://kidsportcanada.ca/